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尽管目前需求疲软 天然气投资仍将攀升

字体: 放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2020-10-16  来源:中国石化新闻网  浏览次数:889
     讯 据彭博社10月12日消息称,据阿拉伯石油投资公司(Apicorp)称,尽管冠状病毒大流行抑制了天然气需求,但中东和北非地区的天然气项目投资仍将增加。




    Apicorp的首席经济学家莱拉·贝纳利(Leila Benali)在彭博电视台上说,在未来两到三年内,争取液化天然气买家的斗争将变得“更加激烈”,如果全球液化天然气的价格保持低位,一些生产商可能会选择在家中消耗更多的天然气。


    曹海斌 摘译自 彭博社

Natural gas investments to climb, despite present demand weakness

    Investment in natural gas projects across the Middle East and North Africa will rise, even as the coronavirus pandemic damps demand for the fuel, according to Arab Petroleum Investments Corp.

    Gas projects planned or under development in the region will require around $211 billion in investment between 2020 and 2024, the multilateral lender said Monday in a statement. In its previous investment outlook, Apicorp estimated that spending would total $185 billion between 2019 and 2023.

    Expansion of output in Qatar, the biggest exporter of liquefied natural gas, will account for $22 billion of planned investment, Saudi Arabia-based Apicorp said. Saudi Arabia and the other country are set to see the most activity, with almost $90 billion of planned and committed investment between them by 2024.

       Middle Eastern states are lining up new gas projects while cutting oil-related investments, though the pandemic has battered prices for both fossil fuels. This is partly because governments are promoting the use of gas to produce electricity instead of crude, a more polluting alternative.

    The battle to secure LNG buyers will become “fiercer” over the next two or three years, and some producers may opt to consume more gas at home if global prices for LNG remain low, Apicorp’s Chief Economist, Leila Benali, said on Bloomberg TV.

    State-run companies and entities account for as much as 92% of investments in the region’s gas projects, according to Apicorp research.
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