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字体: 放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2014-07-02  浏览次数:676

中国石化新闻网讯 据美国合众国际社630日新德里报道,印度国有石油和天然气公司(ONGC)主席兼总经理DK Sarraf30日在新德里接受印度商业日报The Hindu报记者采访时表示,一条从俄罗斯通过哈萨克斯坦到印度的跨国天然气管道可能放上ONGC的议事日程。




李峻 编译



India considering Russian pipeline options

NEW DELHI, June 30 (UPI) --A transnational pipeline from Russia though Kazakhstan to India could be on the table for India's energy company ONGC, a managing director said.

India's state-owned Oil and Natural Gas Corp. Ltd. said it wants to start playing a larger role in the international energy market. DK Sarraf, chairman and managing director at ONGC, said his company was looking for more exploration opportunities in coordination with Russian oil company Rosneft.

"But the more important thing that will happen is direct transportation of hydrocarbons from [Russia] to India," he said in a Sunday interview with Indian business daily The Hindu. "It could be a pipeline from Russia, Kazakhstan to India."

According to the terms of a five-year energy plan, the Indian government has said it wants to add at least one transnational pipeline to the midstream sector from either Iran, Oman or Central Asia.

ONGC in January said it expects to produce as much as 353 million cubic feet of natural gas from reserves off the Indian coast by 2018.
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