中国石化新闻网讯 据道琼斯6月4日消息,Bentek能源公司表示,美国包括乙烷、丙烷和丁烷在内的天然气液体出口量将从当前的48万桶/天增加至2019年时的近150万桶/天。分析师Maria Mejia在休斯敦召开的Benposium大会上表示,一旦美国墨西哥湾沿岸和东北地区计划中的蒸汽裂解装置在2017年和2018年陆续建成投产,美国国内天然气液体需求也将出现增长,尤其是乙烷需求。此外,当前美国乙烷产量水平很高,因此未来五年乙烷的价格仍将保持廉价,预计2019年前将维持在低于50美分/加仑。
DJ NatGas Liquid Exports Seen Rising in Next 5 Years
US exports of natural-gas liquids, including ethane, propane and butane, will rise from 480k barrels a day today to nearly 1.5M barrels a day in 2019, Bentek Energy says. Domestic demand will also rise, especially for ethane, says analyst Maria Mejia at Benposium in Houston, once planned steam crackers in the Gulf Coast and Northeast are built in 2017 and 2018. Still, ethane production is so high that the product is expected to stay cheap in the next five years, holding below 50 cents a gallon through 2019.